
Drawbot wiki updates; one less configuration screen

Thanks to local user Alan who recommended several important updates to the Wiki. Wiring for red/blue/green/black wiring has been added, theory part of the layout is improved, and several other mistakes/out of date things/formatting errors have been spruced up. Remember: if you have an idea that might help, please don’t hesitate to share!

The “configure machine limits” and “configure paper limits” have been combined into a single configure dialog. The plan is to put a picture in the background of the dialog to visually explain what is going on.

Also big thanks to Michael who’s been helping debug 64 bit systems. You guys are awesome and I can’t thank you enough for the help. I’m sure everyone else facing these issues appreciates it, too.

So… should I create a forum for you to work together? I’d like people with drawbot variations to have a place to compare notes.