Drawbot x2: SKYCAM!
Skycam uses two Drawbots to move an object to any point in a room using a computer. With a proper attachment piece in the center it could be used for awesome timelapse animations, perform otherwise impossible camera movements indoor, or deliver inter-cubicle jellybeans.
Get all SkyCam parts and assembly instructions on thingiverse.
This is very much a work in progress that takes a back seat to all the paying customers. If someone wants to give it a try, please let me know your results. I haven’t published the source code yet, which will be a major hurdle – I’ve never tried to open a serial connection to two different arduino at once. Exciting! This robot kit also has more parts than any I’ve published before (except the crab robot), some of which are laser cut and some of which are 3D printed. This is not a project for beginners, unless you’ve got a lot of moxy.