How to Control Arduino through the Serial Monitor
When I’m developing Arduino code, I often have variables that need to be tweaked during testing & calibration.
Rather than recompile and upload the code (a time consuming process) I wrote a few lines to let me open the Serial Monitor and send commands directly.
I hope you find this useful – I use it in all my robots!
#define DELAY (5) #define BAUD (57600) #define MAX_BUF (64) char buffer[MAX_BUF]; int sofar; char test_on=0; // only used in processCommand as an example. float pos_x; float pos_y; float pos_z; void jog(float x, float y, float z) { // do some tests here to validate x, y, and z. pos_x=x; pos_y=y; pos_z=z; } void processCommand() { if(!strncmp(buffer,"help",4)) { Serial.println("commands: where; test (1/0); jog [x(float)] [y(float)] [z(float)];"); } else if(!strncmp(buffer,"where",5)) { // no parameters Serial.print(pos_x); Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(pos_y); Serial.print(", "); Serial.println(pos_z); } else if(!strncmp(buffer,"test",4)) { // one whole number parameter char *state=strchr(buffer,' ')+1; Serial.println(state); if(state[0]=='0') { Serial.println("End test"); test_on=0; } else { Serial.println("Start test"); test_on=1; } } else if(!strncmp(buffer,"jog",3)) { // several optional float parameters. // then calls a method to do something with those parameters. float xx=pos_x; float yy=pos_y; float zz=pos_z; char *ptr=buffer; while(ptr && ptr < buffer+sofar) { ptr=strchr(ptr,' ')+1; switch(*ptr) { case 'x': case 'X': xx=atof(ptr+1); Serial.print('x'); Serial.println(xx); break; case 'y': case 'Y': yy=atof(ptr+1); Serial.print('y'); Serial.println(yy); break; case 'z': case 'Z': zz=atof(ptr+1); Serial.print('z'); Serial.println(zz); break; default: ptr=0; break; } } jog(xx,yy,zz); } } void setup() { Serial.begin(BAUD); Serial.println("Init..."); Serial.println("Stretching..."); sofar=0; Serial.println(F("** AWAKE **")); Serial.print(F("\n> ")); } void loop() { // listen for serial commands while(Serial.available() > 0) { char c =; if(sofar < MAX_BUF-1) buffer[sofar++]=c; if(c=='\n') { // echo confirmation buffer[sofar]=0; Serial.println(buffer); // do something with the command processCommand(); // reset the buffer sofar=0; // ready for more Serial.print(F("\n> ")); } } }
Edit 2016-07-11: closed a possible overflow in buffer[].