Generate DXFs of hypocycloid cams for cycloid drives

Tooth pitch
Pin Bolt Circle Diameter
Roller Diameter
Pressure angle limit
Offset in pressure angle
# teeth in cam
line segments in drawing

Max angle
Min angle
Max radius
Min radius
pin radius
pin distance

Copyright: 2011, Dan Royer

Version: v1, 2011-11-18

License: GPL

Credit to

Original Python script by Alex Lait (

Formulas to describe a hypocycloid cam

Insperational thread on CNCzone

Formulas for calculating the pressure angle and finding the limit circles

Documenting and updating the sdxf library


Does not currently do ANY checking for sane input values and it is possible to create un-machinable cams, use at your own risk


  1. Eccentricity should not be more than the roller radius
  2. Has not been tested with negative values, may have interesting results :)

STL file